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Georgia State AFL-CIO Minority Caucus
OFFICERS Henry Galimore, President North Georgia Building Trades | Calvin Kennedy, Vice President ATU Local 1324 | Sheila Williams, Secretary CWA Local 3204 | Charles James, Asst. Secretary UAW Local 882 | Isaac Gobern, Financial Secretary BCTGM Local 42 | Moses Dunn, Asst. Fin. Secretary LIUNA Local 515 | Reese Salter, Sergeant At Arms ILA Local 1414 | | | |
DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES District 1 | TBA | | District 2 | TBA | | District 3 | TBA | | District 4 | TBA | | District 5 | TBA | | District 6 | TBA | | District 7 | TBA | | District 8 | TBA | | District 9 | TBA | |
Georgia State AFL-CIO Minority Caucus
Mission Statement - To encourage the participation of all minorities at the local, state and national level
- To educate minorities on the history, structure and rules of the AFL-CIO;
- To encourage minorities to seek leadership roles at all levels of the AFL-CIO;
- To encourage minorities to take an active role in organizing, thereby increasing membership, and
- To develop a forum for all minorities to have a united voice in our union, nation and lives.
Georgia AFL-CIO MINORITY CAUCUS Membership Application * Please Print or Type * Please Print or Type* Please Print or Type * Please Print or Type Type of application: NEW ______ RENEWAL _______ I, ________________________________________ hereby apply for membership in the Georgia State AFL-CIO Minority Caucus. I agree to pay the sum of $15.00 annually as dues. NAME __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________ CITY__________________________________ STATE ________________ ZIP _______________ HOME TELEPHONE # _______________________ WORK TELEPHONE # ___________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________ UNION __________________________________ LOCAL # __________ DISTRICT # __________ LOCAL ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #_____________________ POSITION HELD _________________________________ ___________________________________________________ DATE _____________________ (SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT) _____ WISH TO APPEAR IN MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY. _____ DO NOT WISH TO APPEAR IN MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY. Please mail form and check to: DENISE MAYES, TREASURER GEORGIA STATE AFL-CIO MINORITY CAUCUS 501 PULLIAM STREET SW SUITE 517 ATLANTA, GA 30312 APPLICATION RECEIVED BY __________________________________________________________________________________ (NAME) (TITLE) (DATE) APPROVED BY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (NAME) (TITLE) (DATE)