Central Labor Councils Speak for Workers and Their Unions on the Local Level The 7 Central Labor Councils in Georgia have jurisdictional areas from 7 to 20 counties each. They are represented in all of the major cities in Georgia. Local Unions affiliate with these CLC's to carry out the programs of the AFL-CIO on a local level. Labor Councils screen and make endorsements of candidates running for Mayor, City Council, School Board, Judgeships, and other county and city offices. They also screen and make recommendations for state senate and state representative endorsements to the Georgia State AFL-CIO. In conjunction with the State AFL-CIO, they organize and staff phone banks during elections to help educate the members on the issues, the positions of the candidates. They work to get endorsed candidates elected to office. Most of their work is performed by volunteers from the local unions in their area. CLC's assist local unions in their jurisdiction with organizing, community services, civil rights issues, and work with charitable organizations. They lobby local politicians on issues of concern to workers in their jurisdiction. They are an invaluable part of the AFL-CIO and it's duty to help all working people achieve a better life and a better standard of living. In Unity there is strength. The work performed by the CLCs benefits all Unions in the jurisdiction. When all eligible organizations affiliate and pay their fair share it makes us all stronger. We strongly urge Trade Councils and Local Unions to affiliate with the State AFL-CIO and the Central Labor Council in their vicinity Central Labor Councils of Georgia Savannah Regional South Georgia
Savannah Regional CLC |

Savannah Regional Central Labor Council Brett Hulme, President PO Box 22654 Savannah, Ga. 31403 Meets 1st Wednesday @ IBEW Hall on Dean Forest Road Serving Savannah and the Lower Savannah River Area Visit the Savannah Regional Central Labor Council Website @ EVENTS Annual Presented by Savannah Regional Central Labor Council and Coastal Heritage Society Sunday, Before Labor Day from 12:00pm – 4:00pm PUBLIC INVITED AND FREE ADMISSION Food ® Fun ® Fellowship ® Live Entertainment For more information email info@savannahclc.org or call (912) 507-8037 **** Keep Georgians Working **** * Celebrate Georgia’s Working Heroes * * Learn about “MADE IN GEORGIA” goods/services * PUBLIC INVITED AND FREE ADMISSION Sponsorships Available Food ® Fun ® Fellowship ® Live Entertainment (Food is reasonably priced) DESSERT BAKEOFF 1st Place – $75.00 2nd Place $50.00 3rd Place $25.00 Entries must be submitted by 1:00pm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2009 from 12:00pm – 4:00pm J. F. Gregory Park 521 Cedar St (off Hwy 144) Richmond Hill, GA To participate, contact Jordan Fiore: email jordanfiore@gmail.com or call Brett Hulme at (912) 507-8037. WATERSLIDE CANDY IN THE HAYSTACK KEEPING IT COOL GONNA FIND SOME CANDY WATERMELON SEED SPITTING CONTEST
South Georgia CLC |

South Georgia Labor CouncilLinda Ray, PresidentP.O. Box 1447 Valdosta, GA 31603 Meets 7:00 PM 3rd Monday of each month@ CWA Union Hall 111 Howard Street, Valdosta, GeorgiaServing Valdosta and Waycross Areassgaclcaflcio@netscape.net
Southeast Georgia CLC |

Southeast Georgia Labor Council Meets5:00 PM 1st Thursday @ TWU Hall Saint Marys, Georgia Alison Christopher, President PO Box 5772 St. Marys, Georgia 31558 Brunswick-Kings Bay Area 912-552-7311 Fax 912-882-4882 alisonc@tds.net Serving Brunswick, St. Marys and Southeastern Coastal Georgia
Page Last Updated: Aug 27, 2008 (17:41:00)